Websites, marketing and social media
Lets face it, majority of businesses could not exist without a website, some form of advertising and social media platform. Today many businesses rely solely on their website and Facebook Marketing campaigns for 100% of their turnover. We know first hand as one of our earlier ventures did exactly that. If you’re in the same boat ask yourself this – What would you do if Facebook was forced to shut down?
Unless faced with an end of world event, the internet and online business is not going any where. And starting an online business is a favourable option by many as a way to become self employed. But the same rules of running a business in the bricks and mortar world also apply online. How are you going to promote your product or service, drive targeted traffic to your website and convince them to come back? And what about website terms and conditions, privacy and payment processing?
Our team can help you through the mine field giving you the knowledge to create and manage your own site and advertising campaigns. This resulting in a greater return on investment and also removing the need to engage 3rd party agencies to do the work for you. We’ll also show you how to grow your business without relying solely on Facebook.
Call us today and let our experience be your gain…